I'm awfully tired, it was a long day and I really don't have the presence to make the usual point-by-point review, but I kinda need to blather about this because while it wasn't S1 levels awesome, I thought it was good. Apart for a couple of things, but it was mostly GOOD. WTF?
Well, we're back on what I can say it's Heroes S3's best, aka a lot of laughter in places where you shouldn't but of the kind that you can at least try to enjoy for what it is.
Alright. I swear that when Bubbles from The Wire is on Heroes, you can't just stay serious. I mean. I just couldn't. Anyway, I think I liked last week's better, but God, the lulz. And NATHAN THIS ROUND WAS GLORIOUS.
Uhm, alright, MUCH better than last season. Even if... uhm, at this rate they're going to become the WTF show and Lost will have to leave the first place. I mean. But I can use this icon again!!!